In mid-May, the members of the consortium implementing the project Cross-disciplinary Academic Offer: CROCODILE finally had the chance to meet in person.
The meeting took place on 10-11 May and was attended by representatives of all project partners. University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria) was represented by Madeleine Danova and Aneta Antonova, Universidad de Alicante in Spain by Raquel Huete, and we also hosted two of our colleagues from Vytauto Didziojo Universitetas (Lithuania), namely Mykolė Lukošienė and Laura Kaščiukaitė. The Polish team was represented by project coordinators Magda Bąk and Katarzyna Sujkowska-Sobisz, and task coordinators: Julia Legomska, Anna Szczerba-Zubek, Jolanta Skutnik, Agnieszka Babczyńska and Witold Kurowski.
During these two fruitful days, we worked intensively on the project results. In particular, we dealt with the first result we had been working on since the beginning of the project, but we also started activities aimed at realising the remaining project results. We discussed and adopted the management plan and other strategic documents, and together we chose the project logo.
During the meeting we also had the chance to attend a unique jazz concert by the Konglomerat Big Band at the NOSPR in Katowice.

The next meeting will take place in October in Alicante.