International Congress of Educational Quality is a new annual initiative organized jointly by seven Silesian institutions of higher education: Karol Szymanowski Academy of Music, Academy of Fine Arts, Jerzy Kukuczka Academy of Physical Education, Silesian University of Technology, Medical University of Silesia, University of Economics and University of Silesia. Its purpose is the exchange of experiences and good practices to improve the quality of education. The first congress inaugurating the future meetings was held on November 16th – 18th in Katowice. Representatives of different universities and various institutions supporting higher education from Poland and from abroad, attended the event.
Project CRODODILE: Cross-disciplinary Academic Offer was presented during the third, international day of the congress at the poster session. The Lithuanian team prepared the poster, which explained how the CROCODILE project corresponds with Artes Liberales philosophy implemented at Vytautas Magnus University at Kaunas.
The trial scenarios (prepared as a part of IO3) dedicated to gender equality were also presented during the workshops Searching for effectiveness in the inclusion of gender equality into teaching content conducted by Jolanta Klimczak (PhD) and Magdalena Półtorak (PhD).
The participants of the congress, who represented almost 20 higher education institutions from different countries (e.g. Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania, Cyprus, Italy, Turkey, the Netherlands, Malta, and France), could get familiar with the project idea and objectives. The concept of Cross-disciplinary Academic Offer was well received.