On 19th – 20th of September 2023, the Vytautas Magnus University hosted the final transnational project meeting of the Cross-disciplinary Academic Offer under the Erasmus+ programme – CROCODILE project. The main objectives of this meeting in Kaunas, Lithuania were to discuss closing issues concerning the implementation and management of the CROCODILE project as well as to share the progress of Intellectual Outputs and to put together the final steps. The final meeting was attended by representatives from the hosting institution and by representatives from the project partners: University of Silesia (Poland), University of Alicante (Spain) and Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria).
On the first day of the meeting the Vice-rector of Studies of Vytautas Magnus University (further – VMU) and the Head of VMU Professional Competence Development Center presented VMU‘s approach to lifelong learning ecosystem. All the representatives of the partner‘s institutions were also introduced with the history of VMU at the Museum of University, they also had an excursion in the VMU Botanical Garden, where the educational activities from the kindergartens to teaching trainings were presented by the educator of VMU Botanical Garden.
During the second day of the meeting it was presented the phases on which are the Intellectual Outputs:
- The project coordinator, University of Silesia, rejoiced that the Report and Recommendations on International Cross-disciplinary General Academic Offer – the intellectual output 1 – is already prepared and now summaries of the Report in national languages are expected;
- Talking about the intellectual output 2 – Good practices in the implementation of transdisciplinary summer schools – the Guide to Organizing University Summer Schools as well as the summary is almost completed. The final remarks and tasks were discussed together with all the project partners;
- All the project partners also shared the presentations on the progress of the intellectual output 3 – what is done in terms of scenarios and / or additional materials of interdisciplinary study courses. Possible forms of evaluation and dissemination of these study courses were also discussed.
The second day was finalised with a closing session and a discussion that explored issues of intellectual outputs and project management. At the end of this transnational project meeting in Kaunas, all representatives were awarded with certificates.