On 8 February 2022, the opening meeting of the Cross-disciplinary Academic Offer: CROCODILE project was held. The meeting was planned in a remote form (via the MS Teams platform) due to the pandemic restrictions still in force. It was attended by representatives of all universities cooperating in the project: Madeleine Danova from Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (Bulgaria), Raquel Huete, Teresa Torregrosa and Isabel Martínez from Universidad de Alicante (Spain) and Mykolė Lukošienė and Izabela Savickienė from Vytauto Didziojo Universitetas (Lithuania). The University of Silesia was represented by: Katarzyna Sujkowska-Sobisz, Magdalena Bąk, Julia Legomska, Anna Szczerba-Zubek, Jolanta Skutnik, Agnieszka Babczyńska, Witold Kurowski.
The meeting was an opportunity to discuss in detail the next stages of the project, to recall the basic organizational and administrative issues, as well as to formulate the most important expectations from the project, the main goal of which is to enrich the didactic offer of the participating universities with an open, international, interdisciplinary component in response to the needs declared by all partners.
Most of the time was spent discussing the work on the first result, which is planned for the first stage of the project, and the formal and administrative requirements. During the intensive four-hour discussion, we managed to divide tasks among partners, establish a model of cooperation and plan detailed activities for the following months. The next international project meeting will be held in May in Katowice.