About the project
The goal of the project is to create an organisational model of an academic educational offer at an international level to build an educational offer that is applicable in different cultural, organisational and legal contexts.
Five universities (all members of the Transform4Europe Alliance) are involved in the implementation of the Interdisciplinary Academic Offer. Four of them: the University of Silesia in Katowice (project leader), the Universidad de Alicante, Sofia University and Vytautas Magnus University are jointly developing three project results that are crucial for the implementation of academic education at international level, namely:
- the international academic educational offer of a university. Report and methodological-organisational recommendations (International University Educational Offer. Report and methodological-organisational recommendations)
- Good practices in the implementation of transdisciplinary summer schools.
- Set of class scenarios with educational materials enabling the implementation of the University Educational Offer.
The role of the fourth university, Saarland University (the leader of the Transtorm4Europe Alliance), as an associated partner, is to consult the project results and promote them among other T4E members.
The project goals will be realised by:
- the exchange of good practices in the field of remote teaching organization in the international and interdisciplinary dimension (including the organization of summer schools),
- the preparation of a collective report containing the frame for the general didactic offer and recommendations for legal, organizational, methodical and substantive solutions enabling the implementation of this offer in various universities;
- developing a model set of recommendations for the organization of transdisciplinary summer schools;
- the preparation of a set of ready-to-use class scenarios and teaching materials as the basis for the possible implementation of the cross-disciplinary didactic offer;
- strengthening the cooperation between the universities involved in the project.
Project title: Cross-disciplinary Academic Offer
- Project start and end dates: 01-01-2022 to 01-01-2024 from the program Erasmus + Key Action 2: Cooperation Partnerships in Higher Education.
- Project value: €224,704.00